Images of Richard III

Images accessed from RSC website. Use browser back button to return

Lady Anne recoils from Richard's advances Richard III, 1980: Act 1 scene 2. RST

Richard seduces Lady Anne Richard III, 1980: Act 1 scene 2. RST

King Edward with Gloucester and other quarreling Lord Richard III, 1980: Act 2 scene 1.RST

Alan Howard as Richard III Richard III, 1980: RST

The following production photographs are accessed from the PADS website. Use back button on browser to return.

Richard III: RST November 1980

Richard and Lady Anne: RST November 1980

Alan Howard as Richard III: RST November 1980

Richard prepares for battle at Bosworth Field: RST November 1980

Alan Howard as Richard III: RSC November 1981

Richard III: RSC November 1981

The reluctant king: RSC November 1981

Playing Shakespeare/Richard III